June 2020
It’s shaping up to be a whole new world post-COVID-19, and people worldwide are feeling the uncertainty. As many lockdowns are relaxed and people are allowed to move around once more, strict health and safety structures will still be in place, and City Sightseeing holds no exception. Our customers and our staff are our main priority, and we have incorporated a number of new procedures to ensure both your safety and our own while in our care.
Only travellers wearing face masks will be permitted to enter our stores or board our buses or boats.
Thanks to the brilliant open-top design of our buses, you can sit up top where there is plenty of fresh air and endless ventilation to keep the germs under control.
In order to keep our buses less crowded, we will only be travelling with a maximum of 50% capacity and have ensured that only every second row of seats will be occupied. We also ask you to please respect the mandatory distancing stickers in our stores at all information desks and tills.
For optimum sterilisation, our buses and fully sanitised and wiped down twice on every circuit during the day, and further fully sanitised once docked every night. Our stores are also sanitised at intervals throughout the day and deep cleaned every night, and our already contactless card machines are wiped with sanitizer after every use.
We further provide sanitiser in all our stores, on our buses and on our boats for all our guests to use.
We have provided each member of our staff with at last 2 fabric masks to be worn, alternated and washed every working day, as well as on their commute to and from work. Our staff will also always have sanitiser at their disposal and have screens in-store at every till for both their safety and yours.
All staff members are screened on arrival and throughout the day to check for any observable symptoms associated with Covid-19, and are strictly instructed to stay at home should they become ill or show any of these symptoms.
To ensure the ongoing protection of all those in the care of City Sightseeing, we provide our teams with ongoing training and guidance for personal hygiene and preventative measures to help flatten the curve - in our stores and out.
Whether you’re missing your Mother City or just want to get out of the house, our City Sightseeing safety officers have your best interest at heart and is here to ensure your safe travel and a fun day out.
Together we WILL make a difference.